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Real Estate Investing Directory Website

Real Estate Investing Directory Website

RESI (Real Estate Syndicator Index) is a one-of-a-kind online index for real estate syndication. This innovative solution allows the individual real estate investor to quickly and easily locate investment options. The project began with custom branding including logo...
Real Estate Private Equity Firm Website

Real Estate Private Equity Firm Website

Apex Capital is a passive real estate investment firm that invests in a variety of property types across the country. They needed a website to match their brand that conveys their core message of service, integrity, and discipline. A key part of their website redesign...
Investment Company Website

Investment Company Website

Project Details Crom Cortana Fund, an investment company based in New York City, wanted a simple, minimalist design website to present its unique offering. The website includes its brand message and story, as well as a page introducing its core team and investment...
Capital Formation Consultant Website

Capital Formation Consultant Website

Project Details GTC Capital Partners needed a one-page website to present their new capital formation consulting company with a wide portfolio of notable investors. Their website serves to enhance their online presence with a succinct capabilities statement and...