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What I’m Doing to Help

What I’m Doing to Help

Get Seen is a FREE service we are delivering to help businesses stay open and keep going during the COVID-19 pandemic. We understand that times are rough. We want to help in any way we can. Our Get Seen service offers businesses a chance to have a better digital...
Why WordPress?

Why WordPress?

The advantage of WordPress is that you can make a website without needing to learn code. Also, because it is an open-source platform, there are thousands of programmers writing code for WordPress every day, which expands the possibilities of what you can do with your...
Growth Hacking: New Age Digital Marketing

Growth Hacking: New Age Digital Marketing

If you trying to figure out what growth hacking is, you’re not the only one. If you’re trying to see if it’s something that would be useful to your business the quick answer is, ABSOLUTELY. Growth hacking is what I would like to call THE NEW AGE OF...
What is Growth Hacking?

What is Growth Hacking?

In my previous article I explained where growth hacking fits into the current digital marketing arena and that I’m – as of 2019 – considering it the next big thing in digital marketing. So what is growth hacking? First things first. And while I will...
The Last Component Of SEO

The Last Component Of SEO

I happen to be a foodie and while I love finding that amazing whole in the wall restaurant, I can usually judge a restaurant by how many people eat there. If it’s empty, then I hope I got lucky. If it’s packed, then I feel pretty safe that it’s doing...